Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Posted by Jason

(Another) Open Letter to My Representative

Time for another round of contacting the powers that be. Please take the time to read, and if you agree, copy and change accordingly, then send to your own representative. They are trying to get a vote together by Friday. Time is short if you want to let them know how you feel.

You can write them here.

Congressman -

I have come to understand that you and your colleagues will likely be voting on HR 2454 (the "Climate Change" bill). I would like to express my wish that you vote "NO" on the passing of this bill when given the opportunity. Over the past several months I have seen several pieces of information come to light only to be quickly buried by major media outlets. It is seeming more and more like this is a highly politically charged bill being rushed through to a vote with very little regard for honest debate. Again, I strongly urge you to consider your vote when it presents itself, or, if you are so inclined, push for more exposure to these other views so that you and your colleagues can execute a more informed vote, and not a simple 'party-line' vote.

The latest piece of news has come out today and centers around certain EPA emails that were sent in March of this year. I'm including the link to the emails, but the essence is that one of their researchers wanted to submit new evidence that did not support Endangerment. This researcher was essentially silenced and his information was not passed on for consideration. It is now coming to light and I encourage you to at least view the emails in question.

You can find them at:

I wanted to also enumerate some of the other exposed information which has led me to infer that the House is simply not doing their due diligence in voting on this bill.

- The primary sponsor of the bill, Henry Waxman, was unable to answer basic questions about his own bill.

- The Democratic Majority hired a speed-reader to read through the bill - an utter MOCKERY of our legislative system.

- UK's Lord Christopher Monckton was first invited to debate with Al Gore in April, but was then barred from the debate after landing in the U.S.

- More than 700 scientists have signed on to a Senate report disputing claims that man is primarily responsible for global warming. As an aside - this is over 13 times the number of scientists who authored the IPCC 2007 report; the major report cited by those claim the opposite, and a primary source document for this bill.

- Senator Barrasso revealed a 9-page White House internal memo that showed that the EPA's Endangerment decision was primarily political and not scientifically based.

- There is a real risk that businesses will move offshore as a direct result of this bill and continue to emit the same levels of carbon that they do today. It implies that Congress is apparently OK with the carbon emission as long as it doesn't occur on our land. I remind you that the claim is 'global' climate change, not American climate change.

- In Sections 425-427, it is spelled out that workers who are displaced will receive THREE years of compensation, plus healthcare coverage, job search funds, and moving assistance. That is the single best severance package that I've ever heard of. One almost *hopes* that his job is displaced because of this bill.

- 'Fuzzy math' was used to imply that the average American household's cost for this bill would be 800/year. I say 'fuzzy' because this calculation assumes that the 'average American household' will benefit from other government services paid for by money raised from credit auctioning. In essence, the Republicans are more correct with their $3900/year estimate because the household will still be put out by that amount; they'll just be receiving other 'benefits' for it. Energy companies *will* pass on these costs to consumers; anyone who thinks otherwise is simply mistaken. Furthermore, due to the credits outlined in sections 431 and 432 to low income families, this will disproportionately affect the middle class.

- Carbon dioxide *is* a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases *do* trap heat. These are scientific facts and are not in dispute. However, did you know that most environmental reports only take into account those greenhouse gases that humans primarily contribute to (namely, CO2 and Methane)? They always seem to omit the one greenhouse gas for which we have practically zero control over: water vapor. As a matter of fact, when taken into account, human contribution to greenhouse gas emissions drops from 5.5% to about 0.28% when you factor in water vapor! Don't you think that's rather significant? With regards to just CO2, man-made contributions are only 0.117% of the entire Earth's greenhouse effect, i.e. INSIGNIFICANT.

You get the picture. Where is the upfront and public discussion about these (and more I didn't mention) items?

Taxing coal companies and forcing us out of SUVs is *not* going to have a significant effect on the global climate, though I would hate for you to come to the conclusion these facts support after you've already cast your vote to the contrary. What it will have a significant effect on is the average American's energy expenditures and the American job market.

You're probably going to be asked to vote on this bill this week. Again, I urge you to consider these pieces of information when deciding how to vote. Look, nobody is saying we don't want clean air. Nobody is saying we should intentionally destroy our planet. What I *am* saying is that this bill seems as though it's being rushed through the system, and any voice of opposition or public discourse about the bill seems to vanish almost as soon as it comes up. If you have considered the items I mentioned, please let me know your thoughts, your intended vote, and how you have arrived at your decision.

Thank you very much for listening.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Posted by Jason

How About I Call You Rude, Instead?

Senator Barbara Boxer (D - CA)is now on my feces list. A few days ago she was in a hearing with Brigadier General Michael Walsh when she asked him a question. In his reply, he called her "ma'am". At that point she rudely interjected with:

"Do me a favor; could you say 'senator' instead of 'ma'am'? It's just a thing, I worked so hard to get that title, so I'd appreciate it, yes, thank you."

ARE YOU FRICKING SERIOUS!?!? It seems Mrs. Senator Boxer has got her panties boxers in a wad. What a -

...well you finish the sentence.

If you haven't clicked on the link above - go ahead so you can see for yourself.

Look, I've never met a decent person that was so wrapped up in their title that they would actually interrupt someone talking to them with a snide request like that. I've talked with CEOs, Presidents of companies, senior executives, and even politicians, and NONE of them have EVER stopped me mid-sentence if I said "Sir" or "Ma'am". Maybe over in California they don't consider "ma'am" a sign of respect, but that's nothing to hold against this BRIGADIER GENERAL. I just can't believe the absolute nerve she had to act this rude! How full of herself is she?!?

Apparently a lot.

Sometimes, of course, 'titles' are important and should always be demanded. How about Dad/dy and Mom/my? I think those should be used by children for the duration of their lives. As for non-parents, children should always use "Mr." and "Mrs/Miss/Ms" (for those senior to you, whether in age or rank) unless that person has told them they don't need to. For myself, I still call older adults that I knew in my childhood with those titles, and I always will. You may think this one is generally a Southern thing, but the "sir" and "ma'am" should always be appended as well when answering.

Maybe it's just me.

Look, you may live somewhere where "sir" or "ma'am" are not used, and you may not have been raised to say them, but I ask you this: can you honestly deny that hearing them is at least just a teeny weeny bit more respectful sounding than just "Yeah" or even "Yes"? If you can deny that, then I think you need to lighten up. It is a universal sign of respect, and this Senator decided to assert her high-and-mightiness by denouncing this general's respectful address and demanding to be referred to as "Senator".

You know, I don't recall her addressing him as "Brigadier General" when she asked her question. I mean, if we're going to be so respectful to each other and pay attention to the hard work employed in earning titles and everything, should the door swing both ways? I'm pretty sure he worked just a little bit harder in earning his title.

Just sayin'.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Posted by Jason

Travelocity: How Gay

I was just perusing the interweb and decided to go to Travelocity to see if any cheap summer vacation deals were on there. We're looking to go somewhere sunny, and I've had good luck in the past getting deals on that site. Imagine my surprise (shock? bewilderment? confusion?) when I saw the following screen:

(Click to enlarge)

Top four desination themes: Mountain, Romance, All Inclusive, and...Gay Travel? "Gay Travel" is a top four destination theme?!? Couldn't that technically be lumped under "Romance" or are gay people not romantic? I think the LGBT community should complain about this here - either Travelocity is claiming gay couples can't be romantic, or maybe they're singling out only single gay people (pun most definitely intended), or they are just simply patronizing you. You think they would put "Hetero Travel" on there?

It's like they're saying, "Go to the mountains and enjoy the view while hiking on trails, or go on a romantic getaway and get closer to that special someone, or, apparently if you're gay, go somewhere and, uhh, just be gay?" Yep, if you're gay you can't go to the mountains or anywhere else. They've got a special category just for you.

I just don't get it. How about, oh I don't know, "Fishing", "Hiking", "Sailing", etc. Those are pretty basic 'themed' vacations.

Oh, one more thing... (which happens to be what I was looking for...)


Maybe it's just me?

Posted by Jason

(Semi) Weekly Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - Vol. III

Ok, ok. So I'm too busy apparently to do a WWTF. So it's been a while. So what? You made it ok...sheesh.

OMG. San Francisco (that bastion of progressiveness) has now deemed it unlawful to throw away food scraps. Under penalty of fine, the unfortunate citizens of that fair town will be forced to separate their trash into 3 groups, 1 for recycling, 1 for food, and 1 for plain ol' trash. The idiocy was complete when I read "Food scraps sent to a landfill decompose fast and turn into methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas". I'm sorry, first the problem was throwing things away that never decomposed; now it's a problem that they decompose too rapidly? Look, if you want to compost, by all means. I'm thrifty enough that I was considering it sometime this year. But a law that forces you to do it is just crossing the line. Let me clarify - a federal law forcing you to do it would be crossing the line; San Fran can have fun with that. It's just another reason to keep it at the bottom of my 'most desirable cities to live in' list.

Oh - and if you're sooooo worried about our effect on the levels of greenhouse gases, take the time to look at a perspective that's always overlooked by the zealots. This link lists greenhouse gas numbers along with human contributions, but includes the Earth's most significant greenhouse gas: water-vapor. Omitting that from reports can change the numbers by as much as 2000%. Seems kinda significant, don't you think?

[sigh] A judge in...waitaminit...San Francisco?!? What a coincidence! Anyway, a judge over there has determined that a convicted terrorist can actually sue one of the lawyers that drafted the legal memos/documents that OK'd the use of the so-called EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques). I had a big blog article all planned out on this whole torture thing but never got around to it. I thought it had died out, but I guess now the embers are being stoked again. This isn't about justifying torture or not, it's about the law. Is he an American citizen? Yes. HOWEVER, the second he was declared an enemy combatant by the state, which he was, he loses any privledges that may have afforded him. He was essentially taken from the field of battle. It was never a police matter; it was always a military matter, and therefore not subject to the same kind of scrutiny that civil matters are.

Iran had their presidential election and it was more of the same, apparently. It wasn't really close, but many are complaining of rigging. They must have learned a thing or two from Florida 2000, since they've apparently arrested the loser. Wouldn't want to be taken to court or anything...

Paul Krugman decided to blame conservatives, most specifically Fox News show hosts, for the recent attack at the Holocause Museum in DC. Idiot. The best line? "Now, for the most part, the likes of Fox News and the R.N.C. haven’t directly incited violence..." So I suppose, in the non-most parts, there have actually been show hosts and RNC peeps that have directly incited violence, hmm? Gee, I didn't really see that show...

Finally, Glenn Beck's Common Sense was released this week. Get it. Read it. Think about it.

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