Thursday, November 13, 2008

Posted by Jason

Obama's no fool...

Earlier this week Obama met with Bush to discuss transition issues, etc. These type of talks are typically not public affairs and tend to be more private in nature. In other words, the media is not present behind these 'closed doors'. I say this because Obama staff broke that unwritten rule and leaked details to the press about the visit. However, this was a very clever move, even though it pisses me off.

During their talks, the issue of the auto-bailout came up and it was said that Obama pushed for the bailout to be passed, and Bush (who apparently is being resistant) asked for some things in return for his support; namely Democrat approval of the trade pact(s) with Columbia. Tough call for Obama - he backs (and is backed by) unions and labor forces which directly oppose said trade agreements with Columbia. They say of course that it is because of mistreatment of workers down there, but in reailty it has a lot more to do with fear of losing revenues, etc. to Columbia. Anyway, turns out it's not so tough a call for Obama after all. In a brilliant political move (whether by him or by a staffer) it's leaked that Bush is trying to horse-trade behind the scenes. What's the fallout?

1) Bush is made to look like he is not supportive of American laborers.
2) Obama can say (rather honestly), "Look I tried to get the bailout money and help the American work----SNORE...insert rhetoric here...SNORE--, but you know Bushie, he's stonewalling me until he gets what he wants."
3) Obama can bide his time if need be and wait until he's in office and then do whatever he wants anyway, while looking like he tried to 'cross the aisle'.
4) Bush's approval rating can dip even lower.(Is it at absolute zero yet?)

No, Obama's no fool, but the American people are. Most out there probably have no clue how politics work and that this 'horse-trading' is done each and every single day in Washington. It's how 'pork' even gets added to bills in the first place. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours; either now or later. How else can you explain NASCAR racing track owners getting millions in the much-talked-about bailout bill after it went through the Senate? I love NASCAR, but it has NOTHING to do with the financial meltdown in the banking industry.

Bush played the same game he's learned to play since entering Washington, but the public at large will despise him for it.

Brilliant move, Obama. Check and Mate.


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