Hannan Strikes A Chord
By now, in conservative circles at least, you've probably heard of Daniel Hannan who flat out scolded Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the UK a few days ago. It's all over YouTube, and he's recently become immensely popular in the world despite being an unknown over here in the US. However, despite the distance of the Atlantic Ocean physically separating him from us, his message resonates tremendously here at home. Take a look when you get a chance and see if you don't agree with him. This kind of blasting doesn't happen too often from our own elected officials...perhaps it should.
However, mark my words: Sometime today, over the weekend, or next week, the left-wing political machine will go on the attack on this guy. He's risen too far too fast with TV appearances, the YouTube videos, and blogs galore for them to sit idly while his viewpoints go unopposed. It won't be worthwhile debate, though; no, it'll be the same kind of attacks that Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, and others underwent (and are undergoing). They'll find out something about an affair, a money problem, or some other nonsense and will blast it in the regular media in order to get this guy discredited and to distract you from his message. If it has substance then that's one thing, but if it's like any of the others in the past, then it's all a smokescreen.
I bet they're already working on it.
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