Weekly Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - Vol. II
Sorry, but I was out of town on vacation last week, so this one actually covers two weeks. Lucky you!
New York decided to impose a so-called Millionaire's Tax that somehow not-so-surprisingly affects a lot more people than just those that make a million bucks. The tax increases start for those making $200,000 ($300,000/couple). This officially keeps New York as the highest taxing state, with California on their heels. Reports say actual rich people like Trump and Limbaugh are moving out of town to avoid the new taxes.
Glenn Beck started selling a Dashboard Obama...uh...if I don't agree with Obama, then I'm not buying one of these, and if I did agree with him, I wouldn't buy one of these...so who's the intended buyer here...?
Once again, Congress has passed a law that has unintended consequences. This was done last year, but just went into effect recently. You'll remember Congress passing a law that banned/recalled any products designed for or sold to children that contained lead. Well, children's sized dirt bikes and mini-ATVs contain lead, so... Well, you get the picture. You know, if your kid is caught sucking on one of the battery terminals, eating a brake handle, or swallowing a tire stem (some of the offending items), then your child is going to need a lot more than a law to protect them from the world. The worst part is that this may in fact increase child mortality because parents will likely purchase more powerful models in order to be able to get their kid a bike/ATV. Models they have no business riding, which is why the less powerful child models were created in the first place...
Obama decided to release certain memos that detailed the interrogation techniques utilized by the Bush administration against terrorists. It is noteworthy that he did so in the interest of transparency, yet did not feel the urge to release any memos that detailed the results of those interrogations. So he shows us memos that detail techniques we already knew about, but won't show us memos about results we already knew about. Hmmm....
Some tool named Derek Piazza, who's a professor at the College of Alameda, decided late in 2007 to throw a hissy-fit and try and get two students suspended from their school for praying for a sick teacher. Apparently, he considered it to be "disruptive behavior". Look, I've never seen anyone praying that actually disrupted anything. Thankfully, the students have filed suit, and I wholeheartedly agree with them. They are only asking for a public apology and only enough money to cover legal expenses. If this guy has enough time to get all bent out of shape over someone praying for a fellow teacher to get well, then he is obviously not using his time wisely enough for his job and should be let go. C'mon, Mr. Piazza, do something productive with your life!
Janine Garofalo decided to make an ass out of herself, and I say more power to her. It just further serves to alienate her and her ideas (and indirectly the people who feel the same way). In case you missed it, she declared that all attendants of the tea parties that occured on Tax Day were racist rednecks who were upset that America elected a black president. She even went so far to bring eugenics into the mix, stating that conservatives have a brain defect that cause them to think...conservatively. What an idiot. You know, I'm not sure how long they're going to keep up this ridiculous "this is because Obama is black" thing for anybody that criticizes the president. Being a black president (even the first black president) does not automatically buy you the "Get out of Public Critique" Community Chest card in the game of Americopoly.
CNN's Susan Roesgen "reported" on the Chicago Tax Day Tea Party that it was "anti-government, anti-Democrat, and...not really family viewing". She obviously had an agenda and went on to prove that she (and the left in general) really have no idea what these tea parties are about. She actually even became a sort of salesman when she brought up the $400 tax credit (woo-frickin-hoo) and the billions coming to Illinois as part of the stimulus bill. What she doesn't get is that those payouts are part of the reason those people are there.
Brown University will be celebrating 'Fall Weekend' instead of Columbus Day this year. Apparently, the university feels that because Columbus was such a meanie to Native Americans, he doesn't jive with Brown's values they try to emphasize. Oh that's swell; so now we have to worry about celebrating any holiday at all that honors a person who doesn't subscribe to values present today, regardless of whether or not those values existed then. Mistreating Native Americans did not define his life, and is obviously not the reason we have Columbus Day.
Good grief. Apparently Obama decided that the monogram "IHS", a common Christogram for Jesus, was too offensive, controversial, or whatever for a recent speech he gave at Georgetown University. The White House had the university cover up the monogram because it was going to be visible behind the president during his speech. Oh, the horror.
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