Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Posted by Jason

One Lump Or Two?

Well, tomorrow is Tax Day. The day when some of us have to grudgingly write a check to the government(s) to atone for a lack of taxation the prior year. It's also the day when thousands of Americans across the country will get out of their comfy chairs and attend various Tax Day Tea Parties. My wife and I will be two of them, and will be attending the one in Atlanta.

Over the past few weeks, as this movement has gathered steam, I've noticed the decidedly absent reporting of these events by pretty much every major media outlet. Of course, as one would expect, Fox News has been covering them heavily. Several of their talk show hosts will actually be attending a Tea Party themselves. I think the other outlets basically decided to ignore the whole concept hoping it would go away.

Well, it didn't.

So, without being able to avoid the issue any longer, they have increased their reporting of the protests over the past week or so.

Boy have they ever.

The only problem is that they just don't seem to get it. Part of that is the fault of the attendees themselves, displaying signs at the Tea Parties held earlier this year. These were sporadic and disjointed, lacking the full cohesiveness of the movement's events tomorrow. Most of these had attendees holding signs blasting Obama specifically, blaming Democrats for everything bad, or some other misguided notion they felt compelled to shout. I think it's because of these actions that the major media outlets and the left in general have dismissed these rallys as right-wing events designed to target Obama and his party, mostly as a way to vent their frustration at losing the election last November.

What a ridiculous notion.

Don't get me wrong; those people will still be there, and those voices will still be shouting. However, over the past weeks as this has grown into a full-fledged movement, the message has been clarified and solidified. Just as the media outlets finally decide to cover it, they cling to the exact wrong things, misunderstanding the message these protests are supposed to send.

If you're still on the fence, not knowing what to think, allow me to educate you.

These protests, while they are on Tax Day, are not primarily about taxes. April 15th was chosen for several reasons, most of which revolve around spending, not taxation specifically. The problem is that the government can only get money from three places: taxes, debt, or printing. All three present very negative outcomes for the average citizen, the taxes hit home the most. Besides, April 15th seemed to be a good date on the calendar that sat far enough in the future for the movement to have enough time to get coordinated and focused.

The left (and other media outlets) just do not get it. They claim this is about taxes and are quick to point out that, uh oh, no taxes have technically been raised yet. They also jump to the conclusion that this is solely about Obama and the perceived notion that the people in the right are just sore losers, just itching at the chance to complain about the current administration any time they can.

This is NOT about those things. This is about us, the People, protesting what we believe is an injustice, just as the people from the Boston Tea Party felt the British taxes were an injustice. This is about not wanting our children to have to cover debts that we are incurring and have been incurring for nearly a decade. This is about knowing that the only way the government is going to get out of this debt (if such a thing is even possible) is by raising taxes to unholy levels or by printing as much money as they can get away with. This is about a Congress that takes it upon themselves to selectively punish corporate executives (i.e. AIG bonus recipients) that followed the letter of their law, while ignoring other execs that did the same thing (Fannie/Freddie bonuses). This is about suffering through the last six months of goverment bailouts of companies deemed 'too big to fail', without letting the market sort it out. This is about a government that graciously bails out the auto companies with money it doesn't have, then dictates to those companies how they should run their business. This is about a federal government who grows larger and larger while making the state goverments' roles in their own affairs smaller and smaller. This is about Congressmen who continue to inject earmarks and unnecessary spending into every bill they write. This is about a government who signals they will print money to pay for programs because nobody will lend it any more money, thus devaluing our currency bit by bit. This is about BOTH parties straying from the values that made our country so unique in the beginning. This is about officials who think that The Constitution is a dated document and should be ignored because the conditions of that past day no longer exist, rather than seek to amend it as was originally intended.

This is not about taxes.

This is about just how far we've gotten from where our Founding Fathers wanted us to be.

This is Step 1 of the effort to get us there again.


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